Mastermind with Cara Day
The advantage you want. Actionable and proven: The awareness, skills, strategies, tools, and understanding of the science required to change your default tendencies so you can supercharge the well-being, joy, love of self and others, productivity, and purpose in your life. A perfect blend of science, psychology, practicality, and connection.
Give yourself a profound gift.
- Strategic Vision and Life Plan: Create a life on-purpose with game-changer methods of planning and organization
- Abiding Non Dual Awareness: Develop a joyful aliveness in the body and witness experience that is static in all circumstances
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills: Self-awareness, mindfulness, and tangible skills for building and maintaining relationships with self and others
- Distress Tolerance: Learn a powerful process for agency in an escalated moment and every day life
- Emotional Regulation: Understanding of the brain, default responses, and how to shift oneself for optimal outcomes for self and others
- Mindfulness: Using breath and thought awareness to gain joyful aliveness, become a strongly rooted tree in any storm, build a stable identity
- Communication Skills: Learn life-changing communication skills for courageous communication in any situation
- Values, Needs, and Relationship Skills: Clarify and reflect your core values for optimal life outcomes
- Boundaries and Purpose: Gain the wisdom and practical strategies to establish and maintain boundaries (personal and professional) for a life on purpose
- Addiction and Unhelpful Default Patterns: Gain agency at the Choice Point. Rewire for total release of unwanted urges and behaviors.
- Reincorporation: Learn how to retrieve elements of your core self, those tucked away in childhood, to experience full, unabashed living–right now
- Keystone Habits: Solidify the values of sleep, nutrition, and exercise through proven usable tools as the foundation of an integrated life, now and through the duration of the lifetime
- Accountability: Tools and support to finally achieve the results you desire
- Legacy: Create a legacy plan starting today–a clear why, a clear path.
Option One:
Weekly Mastermind:
One 2-hour remote session each week with Cara Day for 52 weeks.
Tuesday 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Mastermind limited to 8 participants per group. Contracted one year commitment. $950 per month, pay in full. $1050 per month, paid monthly.
Option Two:
Monthly Mastermind:
One 2-hour remote session each month with Cara Day for 52 weeks.
Second Wednesday of the month 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Mastermind limited to 8 participants per group. Contracted one year commitment. $300 per month, pay in full. $350 per month, paid monthly.
Email: to get started.