Six Words to Build Autonomy and Save Parental Energy

Six Words to Build Autonomy and Save Parental Energy

For the next seven days, try this! Find a piece of paper. Write these six words on it: What can you do about that? Put it in your pocket. For the next week, when your child asks you a question, needs help with something you want them to accomplish on their own, or is...
I am a 28F and my boyfriend a 28M. Do you think it’s possible to have a healthy relationship with someone who believes they are more intelligent than you are? My boyfriend is an extremely talented and creative musician who writes and produces his own music. He said that no one can make music like him. Because of this he thinks he is extremely smart and thinks he is smarter than me and anyone else.

I am a 28F and my boyfriend a 28M. Do you think it’s possible to have a healthy relationship with someone who believes they are more intelligent than you are? My boyfriend is an extremely talented and creative musician who writes and produces his own music. He said that no one can make music like him. Because of this he thinks he is extremely smart and thinks he is smarter than me and anyone else.

Unless he is busting the pop charts, as talented as he may be, in truth, he is an aspiring musician. Actors and artists sometimes struggle with finding their place because they are often, as you (and he!) said, very good at what they do and want to share it with the...
Excuses for Checked-out Parenting

Excuses for Checked-out Parenting

I have to work. Reframe: I have chosen to live in an area and create a lifestyle that requires a level of income that takes my time and attention away from parenting to an extreme degree. I don’t like parenting. It’s not what I thought it would be. Reframe: Parenting...
Inspire your Child to Set up their next Big Failure

Inspire your Child to Set up their next Big Failure

“If you’re not failing, you are not innovating,” Jeff Bezos, Amazon. Look out for your child’s mishaps, bumps, and failures and get excited for those moments. Top CEOs are doing the same. In fact, they won’t hire people who haven’t had them or try to avoid them. When...
I’m looking to set up a suitable chore list for my kids and was curious if you had a good format that I could reference? I currently ask them to help unload the dishwasher, clean their rooms and make their bed each morning (all without pay), but curious if there were other things you’d recommend or parameters that you set that are appropriate for 9 and 11 year olds?

I’m looking to set up a suitable chore list for my kids and was curious if you had a good format that I could reference? I currently ask them to help unload the dishwasher, clean their rooms and make their bed each morning (all without pay), but curious if there were other things you’d recommend or parameters that you set that are appropriate for 9 and 11 year olds?

This is a common question, and there’s many ways to build a values-based system for your family. Here is a “Flow of Abundance” chart that helps children see that we get out of life what we put into it. If we are thoughtful and generous with our time,...
I need to do some soul searching and decide what I want my future to look like, that is, if I want to stay in marriage. I am at a cross roads in my life and I don’t know how to figure out what I want and in what order I should do things in. I have been doing what I feel is right for my kids but I’m losing myself along the way and ultimately that won’t be good for them. 

I need to do some soul searching and decide what I want my future to look like, that is, if I want to stay in marriage. I am at a cross roads in my life and I don’t know how to figure out what I want and in what order I should do things in. I have been doing what I feel is right for my kids but I’m losing myself along the way and ultimately that won’t be good for them. 

A great strategy is to make a list of pains and gains. This is a little different than pros and cons, and can help identify the values associated with each choice. So you do the pains and gains of staying, and the pains and gains of leaving. You also can do it for the...
Husband just admitted to having an affair. We have 3 kids at home, and I’m still just trying to process all of this. He has said he does not want to split everything and wants custody. I guess what’s I’m asking is should I hire a cut throat lawyer?

Husband just admitted to having an affair. We have 3 kids at home, and I’m still just trying to process all of this. He has said he does not want to split everything and wants custody. I guess what’s I’m asking is should I hire a cut throat lawyer?

The court is going to look at what has been documented through law enforcement. The court does not care about affairs or why the marriage ended. Stay focused on what matters, which is creating a strong coparenting relationship with your child’s father. This is the...